Thursday, January 20, 2011

Getting to know me...

I am a 22 year old South African living with vitiligo since the age of six, back than i was still young and had no idea of what VITILIGO was, It all started with a single spot on my right leg which was kind of obvious that it worried my mom. with me being the bubbly and talkative child i cared less about my skin until i reached purbity, now thats when the freaking out started happening. all the way from one spot to a thousands. Today i am  living proof that vitiligo does exist and even though i have it it's not the end of the world.

It took me the whole of 12 years to come to terms with it and thanks to VITILIGO that i am writing this blog today. I am 65% depigmented all due to stress and slowly reaching my goal of 100% depigmentation.

I come from a family of five and me being the eldest wasn't having to explain to my siblings about why i have this disorder, after all i am still trying to figure out why i have it. I am the first member of my family to have VITILIGO and not even my extended family has ever heard of it and i will end up by saying that " i am not my hair, i am not my skin but i am the soul that lives within."

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